Coaching is a method based on a partnership which, through a creative process, stimulates reflection by inspiring the person to maximize their potential (personal, professional and/or sporting).  The Coach is a process facilitator who, through a wise use of the method, accompanies the Client to define and achieve development and improvement results placed in the future.  The relationship allows you to acquire new perspectives, evaluate options, make new choices, while experience favors new learning.

In Coaching, the training and enhancement of potential (also defined as “Strengths of character”) allow us to frame the very essence of Coaching: “…accompanying people towards maximum performance through a learning process.”

Through four specific phases that characterize the G.R.O.W. – acronym of the 4 phases of the goal setting process, which are respectively Goals, Reality, Options, Will – the Coach asks the right questions so that the Client finds the answers and solutions he needs on his own.

The G.R.O.W model is among the Coaching techniques most used by professional coaches to define goals.

This model was designed by John Whitmore – one of the founding fathers of Coaching – and represents one of the most effective tools to govern for a Coach.